Saturday 11 September 2021

Knitted Pumpkins

Today we wanted to share with you a brilliant make for the Autumn season which are these knitted pumpkins! 

Lately we have been getting a bit carried away (and almost obsessed!) with pumpkins and Autumn decor. We have been hunting for some great makes for this season and have also been perusing all the homeware shops for their Autumn homeware collections, especially Homesense/ TK Maxx.

Mum found this fantastic pattern to make knitted pumpkins from Handy Little Me and found some nice chunky wool from Wool Warehouse in a range of colours to start knitting some pumpkins. Both mine and mum's house have coastal influences so we wanted to create some blue pumpkins to co-ordinate with our decor. Mum also purchased some neutral shades and an orange for more traditional pumpkin colours.

I was so excited by these creations that I wanted to make my own and for the first time ever -  I learnt how to knit!

It took me a couple of evenings to finish it but I am thrilled with the result and proud that I made one for myself.

You may notice from the picture above that the stalk for the pumpkin is also handmade. Mum found a pattern for this from LuannDanzlDesigns on Etsy and sewed up these stalks in no time. 

To give the stalk a blackened edge, we used the flame from a tea light candle to carefully cinged the edges to get the look we wanted. You need to be extra careful when you do this as to not set the whole stalk on fire so make sure you use quick and gentle motions.

The blackened edge helps make the stalk look more realistic and adds some dimension. 
Once you have let it cool for a few minutes you can just use a few stitches around the stalk to secure your stalk in place on your pumpkin.

Alternatively if you are lacking in these sewing skills you can simply find a nice looking twig to pop in the top of your pumpkin.

Mum made my sister a stack of pumpkins and used a twig for the stalk of the top pumpkin.

We think these pumpkins look fantastic around the home and are a nice nod to the Autumn season. If you are a knitting pro then I'm sure you will make these up in no time. However if you haven't knitted before, such like myself, then you may want to have some guidance from a knitter or find a good YouTube video to teach you the basic stitches before having a go at the pattern.

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